typology - sign languages

MARIA GALEA maria.azzopardi at UM.EDU.MT
Mon Mar 25 09:21:06 UTC 2013

Thanks Adam!
How interesting about Fijian and Sri Lankan sign language.
Yes I read the discussion in your book.. I use your book as one of the
main texts for my students in sign linguistics.
Thank you so much for providing access to your research by posting so many
articles and works online,
Sahha lilek minn Malta zghira :)

> Hi Maria
> Trevor may have a version of this paper on his academia.edu website that
> you can download .
> Trevor and I discuss the relationship between Auslan, BSL, NZSL and
> Maltese Sign Language in our book (Johnston & Schembri, 2007) - I'd be
> happy to send you a copy if you don't have one. Please note that
> understanding the relationships between these three sign language
> varieties is still a work in progress - until we have better documentation
> for all the varieties of BSL itself in the UK, for example, we won't have
> a complete picture of its relationship to Auslan.
> The relationship between the sign language you work on, Maltese Sign
> Language, and others that have had some contact with BSL really needs more
> work. Recently at a conference in Hong Kong, I met deaf people from Sri
> Lanka and Fiji for the first time, and I was struck by the relationships
> between these varieties and the BSL family too. In the case of Fijian Sign
> Language, there's been very strong influence from Auslan, while Sri Lankan
> signers make full use of the two–handed British manual alphabet, just we
> do in Australia (in some parts of South Asia, the two-handed alphabet is
> used, but with different hand configurations for the vowels).
> I'm hoping that TISLR 12 in Melbourne in 2016 will include a workshop on
> sign languages in the BSL sign language family and those with some BSL
> contact, so that we can better understand the genetic relationships
> between these sign languages.
> Saħħa! :-)
> Adam
> --
> Assoc. Prof. Adam Schembri, PhD
> Linguistics program | Humanities and Social Sciences
> Interim director | Centre for Research on Language Diversity
> (http://www.latrobe.edu.au/crld)
> La Trobe University | Melbourne (Bundoora) | Victoria |  3086 |
> Australia
> Tel : +61 3 9479 2887/6401 | Mob: +61 432 840 744
> Secretary, Sign Language Linguistics Society: http://www.slls.eu
> ALLY Network Member supporting GLBTIQ students and staff at La Trobe
> University:
> www.latrobe.edu.au/equality/ally<http://www.latrobe.edu.au/equality/ally>
> From: Guido Joachim
> <Guido.Joachim at SIGN-LANG.UNI-HAMBURG.DE<mailto:Guido.Joachim at SIGN-LANG.UNI-HAMBURG.DE>>
> Reply-To: linguists interested in signed languages
> Date: Saturday, 23 March 2013 2:11
> To:
> Subject: Re: typology - sign languages
> Hallo,
> they refer to this paper:
> Johnston, Trevor: BSL, Auslan and NZSL: three signed languages or one? In:
> Baker, Ann / van den Bogaerde, Beppie / Crasborn, Onno (eds):
> Cross-linguistic perspectives in sign language research. Selected papers
> from TISLR 2000. Hamburg : Signum (2003) - S. 47-70
> Guido
> Am 22.03.2013 um 15:47 schrieb Mark A. Mandel:
> Write to editor_ethnologue at sil.org<mailto:editor_ethnologue at sil.org>. I've
> generally found them responsive to questions and problem reports.
> -- Mark
> On 13.03.22, at 08:35, MARIA GALEA wrote:
> ...
> an additional problem I have is that on the webpages of Ethnologue that
> talk of BSL, AUSLAN and New Zealand SL - they refer to Johnston 2003 -
> but
> this is not listed in their bibliography list. Does anyone know which
> exact work (by Trevor Johnston) this may refer to?
> Many thanks!
> Maria Galea
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Guido Joachim M.A. / academic librarian
> Institute for German Sign Language and Communication of the Deaf
> University of Hamburg
> Rothenbaumchaussee 45
> 20148 Hamburg - Germany
> Phone ++49 40 42838 3239
> Fax   ++49 40 42838 6578
> VAT-Nr.: DE 245584140
> E-Mail:
> Guido.Joachim at sign-lang.uni-hamburg.de<mailto:Guido.Joachim at sign-lang.uni-hamburg.de>

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