SignGram COST Summer School in Formal Approaches to Sign Language Linguistics: Announcement and Call for Applications

Josep Quer josep.quer at UPF.EDU
Tue Jan 7 06:09:59 UTC 2014

We invite applications to the Summer School in Formal Approaches to Sign
Language Linguistics organized by the COST (European Cooperation in Science
and Technology) SignGram Action “Unraveling the grammars of European sign
languages: pathways to full citizenship of deaf signers and to the
protection of their linguistic heritage”. For information about the
SignGram Action:

The summer school is open to master students, graduate students or junior
researchers who already have familiarity with sign language research but
are not trained in formal linguistics and to students at the same level who
are trained in formal linguistics but are not yet familiar with sign
language linguistics. In order for the two groups of students to work
fruitfully together in the classroom, a list of preparatory readings will
be provided before the summer school starts. Instructors may decide to have
an introductory session to bring the students at the same level.

Three classes will be taught, respectively concerning morphology (
“Compounding”), syntax/semantics (“Subordination and Role Shift”) and
phonology (“Syllables and Beyond: a Formal Approach to Sign Language

The instructors at the summer school will be:

Chiara Branchini (University of Venice Ca’ Foscari) and Josep Quer
(ICREA-Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona):

“Subordination and Role Shift”

Carlo Geraci (Institut Jean Nicod, École Normale Supérieure, Paris):

“Syllables and Beyond: a Formal Approach to Sign Language Phonology”

Aslı Göksel (Boğaziçi University, Istanbul):


The Summer School will meet on June 6,-7-8, 2014 on the scenic island of
San Servolo in Venice:

As the Summer School is residential, 15 bursaries (300 EUROs each) are made
available by the SignGram Action to cover the cost of accommodation and
meals during the stay on San Servolo island (students are expected to
check-in on June, 5 and check-out on June 9 from the facilities on the

Students from COST countries (Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal,
Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey,
United Kingdom and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) can apply for
a bursary.

However, a limited number of non-financially supported students will be
admitted to the school as well.

The languages of the Summer School will be English and ASL/IS. Interpreting
between ASL/IS and English will be provided.

Those who are interested in participating should send a CV, a short letter
of intent and the name of a referee to the following e-mail address by
March 1, 2014:

venicefeast at

The applicant should communicate his/her deaf/hearing status and whether
he/she would like to apply for a bursary. Priority will be given to
qualified deaf students.

Just after the Summer School, Venice FEAST colloquium will take place. For
information about FEAST:

Summer School dates: June 6-7-8, 2014

Deadline for application: March 1, 2014.

Notification of acceptance/rejection:  March 16, 2014

The Summer School e-mail:

venicefeast at

The Summer School web page:
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