Second Announcement ICSLA2015 in Amsterdam

Beppie van den Bogaerde beppie.vandenbogaerde at HU.NL
Sat Jun 28 12:40:40 UTC 2014

Dear members/colleagues,

Please see attached our Call for Papers and announcement for the International Conference for Sign Language Acquisition 2015, to be held in Amsterdam 1-3 July next year. Especially interesting for people who are attending ICED2015 in Athens, Greece :  Athens- Amsterdam is only about a three hours flight!
Best regards, on behalf of the organizing committee: Anne Baker, Onno Crasborn, Ellen Ormel,

Beppie van den Bogaerde

Beppie van den Bogaerde / Prof. Deaf Studies - HU / Prof. Sign Language of the Netherlands - UvA / Gsm: +31650824110

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