[Slling-l] THIRD AND FINAL REMINDER: TISLR 12 deadline for abstracts - 23:59 March 1, 2015 Melbourne time

Adam Schembri A.Schembri at LATROBE.EDU.AU
Wed Feb 25 03:14:09 UTC 2015

Hello everyone,
This is a third and final reminder that the deadline for abstracts for the TISLR 12 conference is March 1, 23:59 Melbourne time (Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time, or AEDT). This is 11 hours ahead of GMT.
We have extended the deadline slightly to take into account the time differences across the globe which mean that the final hours of February 28 (the previously announced deadline) in some parts of the world may be up to 21 hours (if, for example, you are in Hawaii) behind Melbourne time.
The call for papers with the slightly revised deadline is reproduced below.
Thank you,
Chair, TISLR 12 Local Organising Committee


Assoc. Prof. Adam Schembri, PhD https://latrobe.academia.edu/AdamSchembri
Department of Languages & Linguistics | School of Humanities and Social Sciences | College of Arts, Social Sciences and Commerce | La Trobe University | Melbourne (Bundoora) | Victoria |  3086 |  Australia |Tel : +61 3 9479 2887 | Twitter: @AdamCSchembri | Director, Centre for Research on Language Diversity http://www.latrobe.edu.au/crld & Linguistics Discipline Research Program| Sign Language Linguistics Society: http://www.slls.eu<http://www.slls.eu/> | ALLY Network Member supporting GLBTIQ students and staff:  www.latrobe.edu.au/equality/ally http://www.latrobe.edu.au/equality/ally
New book available ’Sociolinguistics and Deaf communities’: http://<http://www.cambridge.org/9781107663862>www.cambridge.org/9781107663862<http://www.cambridge.org/9781107663862>


12th International Conference on Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research (TISLR 12)
VENUE: Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre


TISLR 12 (www.tislr12.org) invites unpublished research from any theoretical perspective that addresses sign languages.

Presentations and poster sessions will be included on such topics as:
•    phonetics and phonology of sign languages
•    lexicology of sign languages
•    morphology of sign languages
•    syntax of sign languages
•    sign language discourse
•    semantics and pragmatics of sign languages
•    historical sign language linguistics, including sign language emergence
•    sign language acquisition as a first, second or additional language
•    sociolinguistic variation and change in sign languages
•    contact between sign languages and spoken languages
•    neuroscience and sign languages
•    psycholinguistics of sign languages
•    sign language literature and performance (e.g., poetry)
•    computational modelling, recognition and synthesis, of sign languages
•    sign language documentation
•    corpus linguistics of sign languages
sign language planning and policy
•    the relationship between sign languages and gesture

The programme will have no parallel sessions, with 50-60 presentations over four days. The majority of papers (possibly over 100) will be accepted for poster sessions.
Dr. Robert Adam (University College London)
Prof. Nick Enfield (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics/University of Sydney)
Prospective authors are invited to submit an abstract, up to 500 words (+ 1 optional page of references, examples, and/or figures if necessary) by the REVISED DEADLINE 23.59, March 1st, Melbourne time (AEDT). Notification will occur in April 2015.
All abstracts will be handled and reviewed electronically via EasyChair (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=tislr12). You will need to set up an Easy Chair account (if you do not already have one) before you login for your submission.
When completing the submission form on EasyChair, you will see a space which asks for an abstract to be typed in. You may also upload the abstract as a PDF, Microsoft Word or plain text document if you wish. You should receive confirmation of submission of your paper from EasyChair immediately after submission by email; if you have not, please check your spam folder.
NOTE: To facilitate interpreter planning, please indicate AFTER THE TITLE of your paper which language you will present in if your abstract is accepted: Auslan; ASL; International Sign; English.
The submission form in EasyChair also asks you:
•    whether you prefer a presentation/paper or a poster (note that the final decision will be taken by the local organizing committee based on recommendations from the scientific committee)
•    whether you want to be considered for best early career submission prize (you are eligible to be considered if you are a student or within 3 years of earning your PhD, and are first author on the submitted abstract)
•    which of the conference topic(s) your paper relates to (NOTE: to facilitate the review process, make sure you select at least one topic though you may select more than one)
•    to include any keywords that do not appear in the topics list that may facilitate the review process

Abstracts should include a (1) clear statement of the theoretical issue to be addressed, (2) an explanation of the research methodology to be presented, and (3) a concise summary of the research findings/conclusion. These three criteria will be used by the scientific committee when reviewing your abstract, so make sure your submission addresses them. Work must be unpublished at time of presentation. There is a maximum of 3 submissions per author, either as single author or joint co-author.
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