[Slling-l] training award

Ulrike Zeshan UZeshan at UCLAN.AC.UK
Wed May 20 18:04:15 UTC 2015

From: Clark Denmark [mailto:clarkdenmark at mac.com]
Sent: 20 May 2015 18:41
To: Ulrike Zeshan
Cc: Clark Denmark
Subject: For SLLIS

Training for new deaf academics – applications for training awards and participation
iSLanDS at UCLan are looking for participants to take part in a training event for deaf academics, which will be held in Preston<http://www.uclan.ac.uk/> from 1-5 September 2015, coordinated by iSLanDS<http://www.uclan.ac.uk/research/explore/groups/islands.php>.
 iSLanDS<http://www.uclan.ac.uk/research/explore/groups/islands.php> have a number of £500 training awards for participants who also act as trainers. These trainers will each deliver a two-hour session on one of the following topics:
• developing your academic CV
• the world of publishing
• signing your academic text
• academic writing skills
• annotating data
• writing a project bid
• planning your research project
• statistics for sign language research
• Relationship between universities and NGOs
• linguistic diversity of sign languages
The training award covers the costs of attendance, travel and accommodation, which will suit participants from Europe. If you would like to apply for a training award, please fill in the Training Award application form<https://islandscentre.wordpress.com/?attachment_id=1106> at http://islandscentre.wordpress.com and send it to SHart1 at uclan.ac.uk<mailto:SHart1 at uclan.ac.uk> by Wednesday 27 May.

Video clips are provided here<https://islandscentre.wordpress.com/2015/04/30/training-for-new-deaf-academics-applications-for-training-awards-and-participation/> at http://islandscentre.wordpress.com if you want to see this information in British Sign Language or International Sign.

iSLanDS<http://www.uclan.ac.uk/research/explore/groups/islands.php> have extended the deadline for training award applications<https://islandscentre.wordpress.com/2015/04/30/training-for-new-deaf-academics-applications-for-training-awards-and-participation/>, the extended deadline is Wednesday 27 May.

Please feel free to get in touch with iSLanDS<http://www.uclan.ac.uk/research/explore/groups/islands.php> about any application, travel or accommodation queries by emailing SHart1@<mailto:SHart1 at uclan.ac.uk>uclan.ac.uk<mailto:SHart1 at uclan.ac.uk>.

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