Gostaria de Informa �6 es sobre SignWriting

Valerie Sutton Sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Tue Oct 22 19:42:53 UTC 2002

SignWriting List
October 22, 2002

Dear SW List Members:
Can someone help Nubia? Please see his email address below...Write to him directly...Many thanks for your help!  Val ;-)


From: "Nubia" <nubiafs at netcentro.com.br>
Subject: Gostaria de Informações sobre SignWriting

Gostaria de saber todas as informa›es poss’veis sobre esta lingua de sinais. Se puderem, me mandem informa›es, figuras, textos, tudo o que puderem, antecipadamente obrigada.

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