studying specific palm orientations...

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Mon Aug 25 16:58:24 UTC 2003

SignWriting List
August 25, 2003

Stuart Thiessen wrote:
> Probably research-wise, I would say the one disadvantage people have
> mentioned with SignWriting so far is that palm orientation and
> handshape are
> merged and that could make it interesting when you want to study
> specific
> palm orientations.

Everyone, and Stuart -
There is a way to search for all signs that use a specific palm
orientation, in SignBank, so actually you can search now, for signs
that use a specific palm facing...or symbols that do too...I believe
that kind of research could be greatly enhanced if researchers use the
more detailed version of SignBank and SymbolBank...which I will be
explaining in my next message...perhaps tomorrow morning...

Have a wonderful day, everyone!

Val ;-)

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