Parking on a Hill

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Thu Feb 27 17:10:15 UTC 2003

SignWriting List
February 27, 2003

Dear SignWriting List members, Mark, Stefan and Ilke!

You have been so kind to provide me with so many great diagrams - thank
you! You went to so much trouble - I know taking those photos must have
been a lot of work for you, Stefan - and they are good photos too!
Thanks for that job...and they will be used ;-)

I feel a little badly about asking for the illustrations, when I didn't
really explain what I meant...The symbols that represent the hand going
forward at an angle, towards the horizon, are pretty easy for you all
to understand - I can see that and that is a good to know!

The hands that are pointing back towards the chest, but at an angle,
....those are not clearly explained yet. As you know, it is pretty clear
with the movement arrows, when the airplane lands coming towards
you...we place a dot to show the airplane's nose coming towards us. And
dots are used all the time for fingers too, coming towards the
chest...but with these symbols, having entire symbols with dots is not
so easy to write. So I developed an horizon line with a dot on it...but
then the dot hit other parts of the hand and could not be read - so I
am still working on how to make the horizon line with the dot not
interfere with the rest of the handshape -

No problem really, I just need to think it between
fulfilling book orders and preparing for the conference on March 6-10th

Val ;-)

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