New Copy-Paste Feature in SignBank....

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Thu Jan 30 23:59:14 UTC 2003

Thank you, Jerry - You are right, of course. A Tif cannot open in a
browser so it forced it to an attachment...Thanks for your
feedback...sorry for the inconvenience everyone. Meanwhile, I will be
posting the new SignBank with the new copy features in the next few
days for download...

Val ;-)


On Thursday, January 30, 2003, at 03:16 PM, Jerry Spillman wrote:

> Dear Valerie and List,
> I was able to open the .tiff files in PaintShop Pro, but the browser
> did
> not care to open them.
> Jerry.
> mailto:jzs at
> The Sign Bible Site:

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