Re: Escritura alfabética de la lengua de signos española. Once lecciones (fwd)

Dan Parvaz dparvaz at MAC.COM
Tue Jul 15 12:29:46 UTC 2003

>       I think that the Parkhursts would be surprised to find out that this 
> guy claims to be laying out "the first alphabetic writing system for 
> Spanish Sign Language."  I guess it all hinges on what he means by 
> "alfabetico."

Plus, there's that desire to use this for standardization. I don't know 
anything about this guy, but I never see too many deaf people worrying 
about standardizing their language.

At any rate, Here are more details...

.... where you see a little more of what he means. His writing system is 
the first "basado en criterios fonológicos". If you want to see a 
little more detail (presentación), you'll see it sits somewhere between 
Stokoe and Newkirk. He also acknowledges in a footnote that there are 
other players:

"Para un conocimiento de los distintos sistemas de escritura de la LSs 
que han circulado, ver el capítulo de Irma M. Muñoz «Sistemas de 
escritura de lenguas de signos. SignWriting y HamNoSys» en el libro de 
A. Herrero, Carmen Chapa y otros Signolingüística. Introducción a la 
lingüística de la LSE , Valencia, Fesord, 2001, pp. 157-167. "


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