Re: Escritura alfabética de la lengua de signos española. Once lecciones (fwd)

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Tue Jul 15 15:55:54 UTC 2003

SignWriting List
July 15, 2003

Thanks for this link, Dan...

On Tuesday, July 15, 2003, at 05:29 AM, Dan Parvaz wrote:
> .... where you see a little more of what he means. His writing system 
> is the first "basado en criterios fonológicos". If you want to see a 
> little more detail (presentación), you'll see it sits somewhere 
> between Stokoe and Newkirk. He also acknowledges in a footnote that 
> there are other players:..

But he is using a lot of symbols from SignWriting...take a look at the 
attached GIF...around half of the symbols in this diagram are 
specifically from SignWriting...the trembling line, the dot on the 
arrow stem, I guess he is trying to blend different writing 
systems together...probably for the sake of "standardization"...a 
little like an "Esperanto" for sign writing systems - ha!

Val ;-)


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