Should I call it "SignWriter Java"?...

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Sun Jun 1 15:44:02 UTC 2003

SignWriting List
June 1, 2003

Dear SW Listers -
A that we know that SignWriter Java works in both
Macintosh and Windows....

I was using this terminology:

SignWriter DOS
SignWriter MAC
SignWriter WIN

Should I instead call it...

SignWriter DOS
SignWriter JAVA ?

The word "DOS" is helpful because it makes it clear that 4.4 only works
in the DOS operating system. But since Java 1.4.1 is the only
requirement for SignWriter 5.0, then one would argue that the platforms
go away, and the JAVA is more important information?

Your advice please!

Val ;-)

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