Lower case ".sgn" needed to convert DOS files...

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Tue Jun 3 02:08:01 UTC 2003

SignWriting List
June 2, 2003

Stefan Woehrmann wrote:
> I could convert SW.44 files in SW 5.0 if I rename the files before - no
> capital letters allowed ( aha !!) I could work with the German
> dictionary  - a lot of fun -

You are soo intelligent, Stefan! You figured it out...I too found that
out the other day...if you rename the DOS files so that the .sgn is
lower case...then the SignWriter DOS files will convert to SignWriter
Java. So the name of the file can be in all caps, but the .sgn must be
lower case to convert files...I need to put that in the SignWriter Java
manual - ha!  Val ;-)


will convert.



will not convert...

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