Category numbers of SignBank

Stuart Thiessen smt_sw at EARTHLINK.NET
Wed Oct 8 21:55:48 UTC 2003

Well, before Unicode, computer programs were trained to think about
different character sets, etc.  So maybe we can figure out a way for SW Java
to understand it is opening a DOS file as compared to a SW Java file using
SSS-2002 or SSS-2004.  Off the top of my head, the easiest way to do that is
to make SSS-1999 or greater documents have a version number at the beginning
of the file.  If there is no version number, it is a SW DOS file. Then
SW-Java can use the SSS-1995 to open and convert to SSS-1999.  That would be
simple enough maybe, Daniel?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: SignWriting List [mailto:SW-L at ADMIN.HUMBERC.ON.CA] On 
> Behalf Of Valerie Sutton
> Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2003 16:07
> Subject: Re: Category numbers of SignBank
> SignWriting List
> October 8, 2003
> Dear Daniel and other programmers on the SW List:
> There are four SignWriting symbol-sets:
> SSS-1995......SignWriter DOS
> SSS-1999......SignWriter Java (converts SSS-1995 to SSS-1999)
> SSS-2002......SignBank For Everyday Use and SW-Edit
> SSS-2004......SignBank For Research Use (still under development)
> The current version of SignWriter Java must use SSS-1999, 
> because it is
> programmed to convert files from SSS-1995 to SSS-1999. Although
> technically SignWriter Java could be expanded to include the 
> symbols in
> SSS-2002, at this time that would mean that SW Java could no longer
> convert the DOS the SSS-2002 was specifically designed for
> other programs, such as SignBank, and is not a part of the SignWriter
> Java world right now.
> I will write again, in about a half hour, with the official categories
> for SSS-2002 and SSS-2004...
> Val ;-)
> ---------------------------------
> On Wednesday, October 8, 2003, at 01:00 PM, Daniel Noelpp wrote:
> > Hello Valerie
> >
> > In the course of developing the new SignWriter Java I am
> > studying the SSS 2002 in SignBank again.
> >
> > I have a question. The category number of SSS 2002
> > (the leftmost number between 1 and 10) has the following
> > meanings:
> >
> > 1 = Hand forms
> > 2 = Movement and Contact symbols
> > 3 = Face (mimics)
> > 4 = Head (position and movement)
> > 5 = Torso (position, contact symbols and movement)
> > 6 = Arm and Leg
> > 7 = Movements from the hip
> > 8 = Position symbols
> > 9 = Timing and dynamics (alternating, fast, slow, tensed)
> > 10 = Breaks, pauses
> >
> > Am I right?
> >
> > Daniel
> >

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