Impressed at Valerie's

Ingvild Roald ingvild.roald at STATPED.NO
Thu Sep 25 15:49:13 UTC 2003

Hi to everyone on the list,

I ª>  here in La Jolla with Valerie now, and we have been looking at the new
 ©Û igBank for Everyday use k  that you ª_ l get in the mail soon.

She has done a tremendous job in pruning down the number of symbols in the
look-up sequence. Now there are 10 groups of hands, each starting with the
 ©> ain k  handshape in the palm-facing posistion and all the others in a side
view, so we can see clearly what shape it is. Then the contact symbols all
make one group, and then of course there are the movements and the faces
as we know them. For those just looking up signs (those using password
 j  2345 k  , the system is much simpler. For those putting signs into the
SignBank, the editors, using password  j  4321 k   we have to remeber to put
the  ©> ain k  hand of the group that we want this sign sortet under in the
first box. Then the rest of the editing is as before, only it is easier to
move around in the symbols as they are now arranged.

With this version are cute little pocket dictionaries in ASL and English,
one with children ª±  pictures and one witout.

You ª_ l love them, I ª>  sure.

It is very nice to be here to talk things over with Valerie, we have been
looking at my new revised version of the Norwegian  ©( essons k   and I must
admit there are a few things I need to change. But not  much, luckily.

I ª>  also astonished at the amount of work you all put in: the beatiful
dictionaies from Brazil, the novel from Spain, books from Nicaragua and
from Switzerland ... so much! And Cecilia ª±  doctoral thesis  o  looking
forward to study that one!

On Friday I ª_ l be leaving to visit my daughter in San Fransico, and when
my vacation time is up it is back home to Bergen in Norway.

Greetings to you all from


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