[sw-l] left-handed or right-handed?

Sandy Fleming sandy at FLEIMIN.DEMON.CO.UK
Tue Dec 7 08:39:43 UTC 2004

Me again!

> So meanwhile, there is this new program SignText which is the first in
> history to create Sign-Lanes...so you can place a sign to the right or
> left by saying which Sign-Lane it belongs in...This is a wonderful step
> forward...but...we will need both right and left handed signs for
> writing in the Sign Lanes, because the right and left handed signs
> interchange sometimes, because of grammer issues...
> Val ;-)

I had a niggling doubt about the lanes facility in SignText when it was
origanlly explained. As you say, you can place a _sign_ to the right or to
the left, but this isn't enough, is it?

Often the hands and the head are in different lanes - is this going to be
incorporated into the program? The origianl SWML that we saw just had one
element to say which lane the sign is in. At the very least we need two lane
elements, one to say which lane the head is in, and one to saw which lane
the hands are in.


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