[sw-l] Christmas wish

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Thu Dec 23 03:56:17 UTC 2004

SignWriting List
December 22, 2004

Ingvild Roald wrote:
> Yes, I agree, this was really very nice. Mine is not anywhere as nice, 
> but I have been trying to write a short greeting in SW-Java, and even 
> if my computer/ program will not let me write collumns, I have 
> arranged the signs in collumns rather than rows. It says 'Hei  God Jul 
> og Godt Nytt År Ingvild Norge', which translated into English as 'Hi 
> Good Christmass and God New Year Ingvild Norway'

Hello Everyone -
Thank you, Ingvild, for your Christmas wish!  I think it is lovely. 
Good Christmas to you too...smile...

Here is a screen capture from Ingvild's SignWriter Java document...This 
is the first time I have seen your sign-name!  ;-)

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