Sign language workshop, July 13th, Nijmegen NL (Modified by Valerie Sutton)

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Thu Jun 10 01:14:44 UTC 2004

SignWriting List
June 9, 2004

Dear SW List Members...The message below was posted on the Sign
Language Linguist List (SLLING) today...It is a conference in the
Netherlands that includes a presentation by Dr. Mieke van Herreweghe
from Belgium: "Making a Translating Dictionary Dutch/VGT - VGT/Dutch:
some tricks and traps"...most likely a discussion of the Flemish Sign
Language dictionary, which uses this announcement
caught my eye...and perhaps other presentations use SignWriting too,
but I am not sure...;-)


Onno Crasborn wrote:

On July 13th (2004), we will host an informal sign language
conference in Nijmegen (the Netherlands); you are all welcome to
attend. Interpreting to NGT and International Sign will be provided.

Further information, including the preliminary programme, can be
found on the following web page:

The 10 presentations include discussion of altogether 12 different
sign languages. We have scheduled long breaks so that everyone has
plenty of time to discuss things with each other.

We hope to see some of you next month!

Best wishes,

Onno Crasborn & Els van der Kooij

  Onno Crasborn

  Address:      Dept. of Linguistics
                University of Nijmegen
                PO Box 9103
                NL-6500 HD  Nijmegen
                The Netherlands

  Phone:                (+31) (0)24 36 11377
  TTY:          (+31) (0)24 36 11502
  Fax:          (+31) (0)24 36 11070

  E-mail:       o.crasborn at


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