Greek Fingerspelling Posted

Wayne Smith wayne at MRLANGUAGE.COM
Tue Mar 2 03:32:04 UTC 2004

Val -
     Well, yes and no.  I have the poster right here, but I'll need to get
out a Greek-English dictionary to find out the name of the organization that
made it.  (I'll try to get to it soon.  I've got a full day tomorrow, and
it's late now.)
      - Wayne

----- Original Message -----
From: "Valerie Sutton" <sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG>
Sent: Monday, March 01, 2004 4:22 PM
Subject: Re: Greek Fingerspelling Posted

SignWriting List
March 1, 2004

Wayne Smith wrote:
> I picked up this poster in Athens in 2000. I would say that Greek
> fingerspelling DOES follow the standard Greek alphabetic order. (This
> was scanned. You'll have to put the left side and right side
> together.)

Hello Everyone, and Wayne!
Thank you for the Greek Fingerspelling chart - I needed one of those
before and that is really helpful. Your scan of the chart cut off a
portion of the copyright in the bottom left corner? I would like to get
permission to place it on the web near the SignWriting symbols, so
people could compare. That would be a great teaching tool...Do you know
whom I should contact for permission? Val ;-)

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