NEW WEB POSTING: Lisbon Conference 2004

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Mon Mar 8 15:44:30 UTC 2004

SignWriting List
March 8, 2004

Dear SW List:

Announcing a new web posting:


This is a new information web area, to provide ongoing information on
this important workshop, held in Lisbon, Portugal, May 30, 2004.

Although it is called a workshop, it is really like a
one-day-conference, on software development for SignWriting and other
sign language processing programs and projects. Programmers from
several countries, including Belgium, Brazil, Germany, Greece, France,
Norway, Switzerland and the US, are coming together to present their
software plans, and discuss the future of SignWriting in computers...

THANK YOU, to Antonio Carlos da Rocha Costa, and the other workshop
organizers, for this opportunity! You will find a list of the
conference organizers, and a schedule of the presentations, on the
above web page.

I only wish I could attend! But I will be on my computer, waiting for
email from the participants - ha!

Val ;-)

Valerie Sutton
Sutton at

1. SignWritingSite
Read & Write Sign Languages

2. SignBankSite
Sign Language Dictionaries

3. DanceWritingSite
Read & Write Dance

4. MovementWritingSite
Read & Write Movement & Gesture

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