PUDL: Graphs with 40 Group Symbols...tiers of visual choices...

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Tue Mar 23 15:10:07 UTC 2004

SignWriting List
March 23, 2004

My last comment is below. I will now be making some larger and more
obvious links to the PUDL site, from our web sites....Thank you,
Stephen, for all you have done for us....

My last request....I could not figure out what to do, when I chose a
symbol, but if the wording on this web page could be a little different
(as I have written in), I am sure I would have had no trouble...If you
give the box a name, like SIGN BOX, and refer to it with that name, the
user will get used to the terminology...

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