Teaching Literacy PDF file

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Sun May 30 04:01:19 UTC 2004

SignWriting List
May 29, 2004

  James Shepard-Kegl, Esq. wrote:
> Okay, here goes my first attempt to send Teaching Literacy....

Dear SW List, and James and Angus!
Congratulations on creating your first PDF document, James...It looks
very good!

Angus is right about the SignWriting List. Attaching such a large file
and sending it to the List is not a good idea, because some people
cannot handle such large files...but I can privately. So when you have
a new PDF, send it to me privately:

Sutton at SignWriting.org

....and then I will post it on the web, in our SignWriting Archive on
the web...and then I can announce the new posting to the SW List, and
people can go to that web page and choose to download it if they
wish...and I will do that now, with your first document...so look for
an email message shortly about that.

This is a new era, now that James can create PDFs...PDFs are actually
better than the printed copies of some of your books, James, which you
send me, because the PDFs can be accessed on the web by thousands of
people, rather than one copy of a book hiding in my closet ;-)

Anyone who has PDF documents about or using SignWriting, feel free to
send them to me privately and I will be happy to include them in our
SignWriting Archive:

SignWriting PDF Archive

Val ;-)

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