[sw-l] Please translate into sign writing...

Signuno signuno at YAHOO.FR
Thu Nov 4 10:38:25 UTC 2004

 --- Adam Frost <adam at frostvillage.com> a écrit :
> Val, I know that you are going to think that I am
> crazy with my busy
> schedule and everything else that I am doing with
> SignWriting as it is, but
> I am up to the challenge!

Excellent!  Brilliant!

> Signuno, do you want me
> to send you a copy of it via email when I am
> finished? (It might be a large
> email. "wink-wink")

Yes try that first, else you may need to put it on a
website, or break it into parts.  Pity SW isn't in
Unicode yet, it would be more compact that way.

By the way.  The word "Esperanto" I translate as
r-hand (hope) touches lips (language), but maybe that
means something else in ASL or other sign languages
(nothing confusing or rude I hope)?  So in your
translation you could:

1) Spell E S P E R A N T O
2) sign "hope" + "language"
3) sign "world" + "language" (like Chinese does)
4) sign r-hand touches lips (like Signuno does)

Options 2 (or 4) would be best in my opinion.

Thanks so much,


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