[sw-l] Fwd: create a dictionnary using Dos SignWriter

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Wed Sep 15 14:28:24 UTC 2004

SignWriting List
September 15, 2004

Message from Anny in French-Switzerland:

> From: Anne-Claude Prélaz Girod <girodmarc at vtx.ch>
> Date: September 7, 2004 1:36:31 PM PDT
> To: Valerie Sutton <sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG>
> Cc: Siv Fosshaug <sfosshaug at bluewin.ch>
> Subject: create a dictionnary using Dos SignWriter
> Dear Valerie
> Siv Fosshaug , Viviane Boson (a deaf adult from the french speaking 
> part of Switzerland) and I just finished a 2 days workshop on 
> signwriting for the deaf signa language teachers and sign language 
> interpreters... It was great and lots of participants  are motivated 
> to continue using and developping Sw for the swiss french sign 
> language.
> I asked Siv if I could create a dictionnary for swiss-french sign 
> language but there seems to be a problem with the numbers...
> - 041 is already taken by swiss-german sign language
> - o33 is already taken for LSF (France)
> What would you suggest?
> Hope to hear from you soon
> Take care
> Anny
> PS Siv and I should send you a copy of the lessons in french with 
> swiss french sign language examples... in pdf format so that you can 
> put it on the web!! we'll do that as soon as we find time!
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