[sw-l] ANNOUNCING: Lessons in SW Textbook in French!

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Sat Apr 2 15:59:39 UTC 2005

SignWriting List
April 2, 2005

The Lessons in SignWriting Textbook has now been translated into French
and French-Swiss Sign Language.
Translated by Anne-Claude Prelaz Girod, based on the Lessons in
SignWriting 2002 CD.

You can now download the entire translation in PDF and/or DOC
(Microsoft Word) formats. Go to:

SignWriting in Switzerland

It is excellent, Anne-Claude! THANK YOU for your hard work. I am amazed
at all you have accomplished ;-)))

And having the Lessons in SignWriting Textbook in French is really a
blessing, for several countries. I just got a request today, from
Paris, for the "French" version...Your new book will be their way of
starting to learn SignWriting...then later they can translate it into
their Sign Language...so thank you!!

Val ;-)

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