Problem finding sign in SignPuddle and other things...

Nana Dumitra nana.dumitra at SCHLOSSKLAUS.AT
Sat Aug 20 03:00:42 UTC 2005

Hello SW list,
If any of you sent an e-mail to me during the last two days, I did not
receive them. There is a problem with our server at the moment,
apparently I can send e-mail, but I receive only "garbage" (letter
jumble) mails or just the last line of e-mails. I will let you know,
when it is working again, so that you can re-send any messages that I
should respond to, smile!
The reason I am writing right now is, that I have problems with two of
my signs in Filipino SignPuddle: "2005" and "thank-you (God)" I know
that they are there, because any time I start typing them into the
"Search for sign" box, the prompt comes up, but when searching it comes
up with "No result" (I tried both in Search by Word and in the
Dictionary Editor). From what I remember from others using SignPuddle, I
think there is something that Steven can do to make these "re-appear",
smile. If you can, Steven, I would appreciate that. If there is
something I need to do, then please hold your answer until I let you
know that I can receive e-mail again. Thanks a lot!
One of the last e-mails that I received was from Stefan suggesting that
I send some drawings or real life pictures of certain
handshapes/movements in order for you all to be better able to help me
with spelling questions. Unfortunatly I cannot do that (my personal
drawings would not be very helpful, smile, and I don't have a camera to
take such pictures and send them - hopefully we will find someone who
feels called to donate a digital camera to us, then I will send you
pictures!) Sorry, that does not work, because I really liked the idea.
But even the way you did it now, Stefan, by looking at the spelling and
asking questions, you made me go back to the book and I think now I
understand the different axial movements. Thank you!
Have a good day,
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