Surface symbols

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Thu Dec 15 15:59:48 UTC 2005

SignWriting List
December 15, 2005

> Philippe in Iowa, USA, wrote:
> I noticed the arrow seems not right since I don’t move my hand  
> down for English.  I move my hand toward to myself.  The first  
> English spelling with correct arrow symbol is correct.  Make sense?

Hi Philip!
Great to get your feedback. Yes. You agree with our Deaf DAC  
members...they wrote the first two signs in the attached  
diagram...the second sign is another shows the right  
hand moving down twice onto the left hand...I have seen that  
variation in some parts of the US...but you are right that the first  
one seems to be the most commonly used...moving back towards the chest

Cherie comes from Georgia...maybe in Georgia they move down with both  
hands? smile...There are different ways that signs are signed...but  
usually one writing starts to become the standard way to write the  
sign...For right now, we are writing different variations and placing  
them in the SignPuddle...that way we can discuss the different  
variations easily on the SignWriting List...

Have you ever seen the second variation?

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