Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Sat Dec 10 17:19:50 UTC 2005

SignWriting List
December 10, 2005

Ingvild Roald wrote:
> I just got this link from a friend. Some of you were in Lisbon in  
> 2004,
> this is a follw-up


Wow! Thank you, Ingvild, for informing us. I knew nothing about  
this...This is very exciting....See our web site for information  
about the prior LREC workshop in Lisbon:

LREC 2004 in Lisbon

BUT this is NEW!....
CALL FOR PAPERS for Genoa, Italy, May 2006

Papers are invited on substantial, original and unpublished research  
on all aspects of sign language representation and processing,  
including, but not limited to:

     * sign language dictionaries
     * representation of sign language data
     * corpus collection and construction for sign languages
     * image processing research
     * didactic tools for sign language teaching and learning
     * e-learning of sign languages
     * any topic related to sign language treatment and processing

Submissions of papers for oral and poster presentations should follow  
the same stylesheet as the ones for regular LREC paper. The details  
can be found at
Demonstrations and related tools will be reviewed as well. You should  
send an outline of about 400 words. If a demo is connected to a  
paper, please attach the outline to the paper.
The papers and demonstration outlines, written in English, should be  
attached to an email message sent to the following address (cvettori  
at eurac dot edu). Please include the name and the affiliation of the  
author(s) in the body of the email message.
The deadline for paper submission is February 3rd, 2006. Notice of  
acceptance or rejection will be sent on February 24th, 2006.
We allow simultaneous paper submission to the workshop and the LREC  
main conference. If a paper is accepted by both the conference and  
the workshop, the paper will be presented at the conference, rather  
than at the workshop. The author(s) should notify the workshop chair.
Papers will be published in the proceedings of the workshop (each  
workshop and the main conference have separate proceedings).

Scientific committee

     * Antônio Carlos da Rocha Costa
       Escola de Informática - UCPel, Brazil
     * Chiara Vettori
       Istitute for Specialised Communication and Multilingualism -  
EURAC research, Italy
     * Eleni Efthimiou
       Institute for Language and Speech Processing – ILSP, Greece
     * Elena Pizzuto
       Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione - ISTC, Italy
     * Elena Radutzky
       Mason Perkins Deafness Fund, Italy
     * Marco Consolati
       piccola società cooperativa ALBA, Italy
     * Onno Crasborn
       Dept. of Linguistics - Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherland
     * Patrice Dalle
       IRIT - Université Paul Sabatier, France
     * Ronice Müller de Quadros
       Centro de Ciências da Educação, UFSC – Universidade Federal de  
Santa Catarina, Brazil

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