[sw-l] signpuddle... translation into french??

Lucyna Dlugolecka deafie at GMX.NET
Thu Feb 3 20:28:41 UTC 2005

> Better yet...please post the translated French, or other spoken
> languages, for the following terminology, to our SignWriting List, and
> then I can create the icons for each spoken language...I think that is
> better than you doing the icons yourselves...So Anny, what is the French
> for these words:

Here is Polish translation:

Dodaj do slownika

Wyczysc wszystko

Kopiuj symbol

Usun symbol

Redaktorzy slownika


Zaczerniaj symbol

Lista grup


Zaladuj znak

Odbicie lustrzane

Umiesc u góry

Umiesc u dolu


Obróc przeciwnie do ruchu wskazówek zegara

Obróc zgodnie z ruchem wskazówek zegara

Szukaj w slowniku

Lista symboli




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