[sw-l] Belgium-Germany- oops

James Shepard-Kegl, Esq. kegl at MAINE.RR.COM
Fri Jan 14 13:01:46 UTC 2005

To the list,

Oops...I just sent a word file to Kathleen and Sara, and didn't really mean
to clog up everyone else on the list.  My bad.  Sorry.

-- James

on 1/14/05 4:18 AM, Kasterlinden Bilinguaal at katjesaar at HOTMAIL.COM wrote:

Hello Stefan,

Sara and I work in a bilingual school for the Deaf in Belgium. We teach
children in grammar school, age 6 to 12. Maybe you have seen some of my
mails on the SignWriting list.
I have checked out your website: gebaerdenschrift.de, looks great :o)
SignWriting moving and mundbild ;) Amazing!
I understand you are a teacher also and use SignWriting in your classroom.
Do you teach grammar school?
I wanted to ask you if Sara, my coworker, and I could come and visit the
school you work at. Because we are the only school in Belgium who uses
SignWriting, with no curriculum to guide us. We are looking for information
and think that a visit to your school could be very helpfull.

Osnabrück is a 3 hour drive from my home. So about 4 hours from my school in

Hoping for a positive answer :o)
with warm regards,
Kathleen and Sara

(Sorry to send this mail via the list, but the hotmail adres on
signwriting.org doesn't work)

Maak gratis je eigen blog op MSN Spaces !

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