[sw-l] GERMANY...Article published on SignWriting Jan 23, 2005

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Sun Jan 23 16:58:42 UTC 2005

SignWriting List
January 23, 2005

For those who cannot read German, Stefan gave me an English translation
of one paragraph in the article...see below...This is so helpful,
Stefan, thank you!!  Val ;-)


"Mit der ,GebardenSchrift" und der erganzenden Mundbildschrift steht fur
auditiv nicht erreichbare und bilingual, also in Gebarden- und
Verbalsprache, unterrichtete gehorlose Kinder ein exzeptionelles
Forderinstrument zur Verfugung, das ihnen eine fruhe Verschriftung in
Basissprache Gebardensprache ermoglicht und ihnen zugleich den Zugang
deutschen Schriftsprache erleichtert."

in my words: With SignWriting and this additional notation system
"Mundbildschrift" children who cannot learn the language by hearing and
get bilingual education - SL and Spoken Language - are provided an
exceptional support system. SW allows them to write their basic
language -
SL - at an early age. This enables them to find a better approach to the
written German Language."

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