Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Sun Jul 17 00:54:20 UTC 2005

SignWriting List
July 16, 2005

> On Jul 16, 2005, at 5:38 PM, Adam Frost wrote:
> I have just realized that I have written this sign wrong. I choose  
> the wrong palm oriantation. Also, the arms are crossed both times  
> with the right closest both times. Here is a second attempt with  
> more detail so you know what it is I am trying to write. Then we  
> can work from there.

So are you saying, Adam, that there is no twist, like in the sign for  
Translate in ASL? smile...If so, then the second position in your  
attached sign needs to switch the palm other words...does  
the right hand remain dark, seeing the back of the hand ? Your first  
position has the right hand dark but the second position has the left  
hand dark...

Val ;-)

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