Sunrise query...writing one symbol in front of another

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Tue Jul 5 17:56:01 UTC 2005

SignWriting List
July 5th, 2005

Hello Everyone!
I hope you are enjoying July!

When writing one symbol in front of, or behind the other, there are  
two ways to write it...the detailed way, and the simplified way...

1. Detailed spellings use the Surface Symbols, which Charles has  
already shown you.

2. Simplified spellings, for everyday use, do not need the Surface  
Symbols. Instead, the symbol that is in front has a slight white halo  
or border around it so it looks like it is in front of the other  
one...Plus the white part of the palm facing for the hand in front  
does not show the lines for the arrows going through it...Writing  
this by hand is easier than by computer at the moment...A person can  
easily become skilled at writing this by hand.

By computer, in SignPuddle, Steve gave us a Place Over Button to do  
this for us automatically, but I have to re-enter many of the symbols  
in the IMWA to make the button you can see that I am not  
done with the IMWA...

So I constructed the sign for Sunrise in SignPuddle from little lines  
instead, without using the Place Over button for now...Take a look at  
two spellings for Sunrise in ASL...the second one is the simplified  
spelling which I just entered...

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