[sw-l] Adding Classifiers to SignPuddle Dictionaries

Charles Butler chazzer3332000 at YAHOO.COM
Tue Mar 15 21:43:22 UTC 2005

I like the idea of putting classifiers in.  For ease of use, it might be better to put (classifier) first, though your dictionary will seach either way.

(classifier) bed or flat surface
(classifier) vehicle that can be parked
(classifier) small thin object
(classifier) area

These are just off the top of my head.


Valerie Sutton <sutton at signwriting.org> wrote:
SignWriting List
March 15, 2005

On Mar 7, 2005, Nancy Emery in Washington State wrote:
> yes, your SignBank Web Services does sound great and like it would be
> very useful for this kind of project. Unfortunately I don't have any
> co-workers - or any funding - I'm just a lone Master's student. I
> certainly understand that the SignWriting projects you and Stephen
> have worked on so long and generously need some financial support.
> What kind of rates were you thinking of charging for the private
> SignBanks?

I will be creating a web page explaining this...but it is not ready
yet...and certainly I understand if you are working alone.... you would
not want your own private SignBank anyway...

So perhaps, if you need to add classifiers to the ASL SignPuddle on the
web, you could, Nancy...even though it is a public dictionary...it is
free. it is just a matter of deciding how to add those classifiers to
the ASL dictionary...

So I am asking other SignPuddle users now...If Nancy adds a classifier
to the ASL SignPuddle, and adds a parenthesis saying it is a
classifier, would that be ok?...like this:

bed or flat surface (classifier)....

or something like that...

How would you all suggest we tag classifiers in a SignPuddle dictionary

> It's been exciting to see the explosion of interest in SignWriting (at
> least that's what it feels like) in the year and a half or so that
> I've been on the list - congratulations!

Thank you, Nancy...Stephen's open and free SignPuddle certainly has
helped spread SignWriting...So I hope you can benefit from SignPuddle
too...Let's find a way to add classifiers...

Everyone...give us your advice about classifiers...

Val ;-)

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