[sw-l] how to write qutotation mark

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Sun May 8 14:07:14 UTC 2005

SignWriting List
May 8, 2005

Lucyna Dlugolecka wrote:
> http://majordomo.valenciacc.edu/hypermail/sw-l/0503/0026.html

Lucyna - It is great to see how much work you are doing writing Polish
signs! ;-)

And I am glad you are asking questions...and your email in Polish
signs, yesterday, was great too... I enjoyed reading it....

I assume that your sign for QUOTE is like many other signed
languages...the fingers are bent from the middle-joint of the fingers
down twice...is that your sign? If so, then these Finger Movement
symbols (see attached) are not what you want...they mean movement from
the knuckles, not the middle of the fingers...They are called Hinge
Movement, like the hinge on a door. But the other symbols are called
Squeeze, because the middle joints squeeze down...so the QUOTE sign
squeezes twice...it doesn't hinge twice - smile...see next message

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