POLAND Rotation Arrows - sign for CZWARTY

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Sun Nov 13 15:46:18 UTC 2005

SignWriting List
November 13, 2005

Here is a diagram starting to discuss some of your signs, Lucy...It  
will take several messages...but reading this, how would you re-write  
the sign for Czwarty? The symbol with the down-curve is always the  
thumb painting the path, but I can see you want the baby finger  
painting the path, because you wrote that under the sign for  
CZWARTY...so while I am trying to finish Stefan's new web pages,  
maybe you can try to re-write the sign for CZWARTY and we can  
continue the discussion! Thanks so much for your interest in learning  
these symbols...smile...Val ;-)

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