POLAND Swiat Ciszy started to publish a SW course in instalments

Lucyna Dlugolecka deafie at GMX.NET
Wed Nov 23 21:05:08 UTC 2005

Honza napisał(a):

> Hi Lucy and everyone,
> I wanted to reply to you sooner, but I was too busy.
> We also started short lessons in magazine for the Deaf (Unie) on 
> September/October. (If you like, I'll send it to Val to post it) Next 
> two lessons will be published soon (I guess at the beginning of 
> December) (the magazine is published every two months)

Our magazine is published every two months too, and the second lesson 
will be published in December.

> It is useful to compare our lessons, because everyone make it in 
> different way. We use more pictures and examples of signs and less 
> text. In your article si more text than pictures. But your 'text' is 
> interesting for me, because we never know what to write about it.

Yes, I use few picture as I don't want to place too much stuff at once. 
It may be too much for some people. I want to explain the rules exactly, 
so I write a lot, although some deaf people are poor at Polish. 
Neverteless, I use simple Polish in such texts :-) (no wonder you've 
understood it ;-))

> We also started "czech sw-list"
> and wanted to start lessons of SW, but it is not easy to find time 
> which fits enybody, so I hope our czech list will help us to start 
> lessons, or at least e-lessons.

I started such a Polish list too, focused on PJM, Deaf issues and SW, 
and I planned to teach SW to the List members, too, but I am sooo 
busy... and I lack time to implement the plan :-(


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