Where to get Punctuation Symbols

Lucyna Dlugolecka deafie at GMX.NET
Mon Oct 17 08:15:59 UTC 2005

3. A third way, is to download SignBank Runtime:

> Download SignBank
> http://www.SignBank.org/downloads
> And even though it is a US ASL SignBank file, that doesn't matter,  
> because when you download SignBank, you are downloading a complete  
> SymbolBank database that can stand alone on your desktop without the  
> internet...so if you try that I will be happy to teach you how to use  
> SignBank on your desktop. You can drag and drop, or copy and paste  
> any symbol from SignBank into a Word document...
> Hope this helps!
> Val ;-)

Thanks, Val! I tried different steps but only the above one has helped 
me! :-)


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