Downloading SignBank

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Wed Sep 14 18:33:19 UTC 2005

SignWriting List
September 14, 2005

On Sep 14, 2005, at 10:29 AM, Geoffrey Hunt wrote:
> I'm using NTFS and was also having the unzipping problem.  With the  
> new
>, I'm not having the same problem, but I estimate it  
> would take
> my computer about five hours to unzip it, because of the huge  
> number of
> files and writing the filenames.

Hi Geoffrey, Stuart, Steve, and Tim!
May I ask what you are downloading the symbols for?

If you need a database where they are stored, and you want to look up  
what each symbol is named, and other information about each symbol,  
you can download one database, without downloading each individual  
symbol. That IS called SignBank, because the complete SymbolBank is a  
part of the relational database.

Downloading SignBank Runtime

But if you want the IMWA for your programming needs, I wonder why  
Steve doesn't have the same problems on Windows XP that you are  
having?...and Stuart is not having the problem either.

Do you have a Macintosh in your office, Geoffrey? Maybe unzipping  
there would help...

We could try to compress it in .sit if you wish...or another format...

Or...I can try to save all the symbols to a CD with no zip software  
to see if you can transfer the files that way...will your hard drive  
accept it from a CD?

Val ;-)

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