JORDAN SignWriting dissertation teaching Deaf children

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Wed Apr 12 14:35:56 UTC 2006

SignWriting List
April 12, 2006

Here is a message Mohamed sent to us bounced by mistake so  
I am posting it for Mohamed...

> Mohamed Abushaira
> m_abushaira at
> Hi Val, Dan & the list
>   I will inform you and the list about what I do .Now I Start teach  
> some of my student to read and write SW as preparation  for the   
> dissertation , then  will translate part of one of school's books  
> to SW and teach our student through this method then we will  
> see ?!.wither it is useful or not by comparing between two groups   
> experimental ( learn with SW) and controller ( learn as usual )
>   We will Compare two thing 1- achievement ,2- vocabulary
>   That’s all today
>   Thanks
>   Mohamed

Dear SW List!
Welcome Mohamed, back to the SignWriting List! You can read about  
Mohamed's past research, at a school for Deaf boys in Saudi Arabia,  
on this web page:

SignWriting in Arabic Nations

Mohamed did a real research project with control groups, and  
SignWriting proved, in that small study, to be an important tool for  
learning to read and write...the findings were in SignWriting's  
favor...see photo attached of a Deaf student from Saudi Arabia using  

Wonderful news that a new study will be conducted in Jordan, as a  
part of Mohamed's dissertation!

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