When writing a document in SW...

Stuart Thiessen sw at PASSITONSERVICES.ORG
Tue Aug 22 02:29:05 UTC 2006

If the document is created in landscape mode, I think paragraph breaks 
could be done much like it is with horizontal writing ... just insert a 
little extra space horizontally.  Another possibility we could borrow 
from English writing is the use of indentation to represent paragraph 

Another thought that occurred to me is using something like a short 
thin line drawn vertically by itself to the left upper corner of the 
beginning of the paragraph. That could visually indicate a start of 
paragraph. If it is always written flush with the top margin, that 
could be sufficient to mark the paragraph. Maybe Valerie has something 

Just my brainstorms.


On Aug 21, 2006, at 20:45, Cherie Wren wrote:

> Most of what I am transcribing isn't in paragraphs,
> more like stanzas...  kids books, so I haven't even
> thougth about that.  But its a very good question.
> Perhaps a double 'period'?  But for larger documents I
> use MS Publisher.  I use the SWML preview on SignText,
> and copy paste each individual sign into the publisher
> document.  Long and tedius, but the only way to get
> more than a sentence at the current time.  I
> understand the upcoming versions will make lots of us
> VERY happy in this regard...
> cherie
> --- Vanessa Hodge <vlhodge at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello!
>> I have a couple of questions for all of you who have
>> written in SW.  I am a
>> college student and have written one of my papers in
>> SW.  However, I am
>> struggling to figure out a way to show paragraphs
>> beginning and ending.  I
>> am trying to write it vertically as I have some role
>> shifting in the paper.
>> Also, what is the best way you have found to put a
>> large quantity of SW into
>> a document form?
>> Thank you!!  Vanessa Hodge
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