Detailed Writing: Heel of Hand

Valerie Sutton signwriting at MAC.COM
Fri Dec 1 21:36:13 UTC 2006

SignWriting List
December 1, 2006

The Heel of the Hand, viewing the wrist from the Front View, gives us  
the opportunity to show the sign for BOAT at the proper  
shows that in-between angle that we cannot see from the overhead view  
very well...but from the Front opening a book..the half- 
way-open position is clearer in this one case...

The Heel of Hand symbol is located in the 5-Hand group in the IMWA.  
It is not a square for the Fist. It is smaller than the Square. You  
place your hand projecting forward, parallel to the floor, and then  
little lines for fingers can be added if need is only for the  
Flat Hand at this time....

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