LESSON Multiple Openings in Different Directions

Gallant, Philippe PGallant at MERCYDESMOINES.ORG
Wed Feb 1 16:10:35 UTC 2006


I looked at the directory and couldn't find CL-List-Throw.  Can you

Philippe "Philip" Gallant
Cultural Advocacy Health Services Coordinator
Mercy Medical Center
Interpretation Services Department
           VOICE:  (866) 410-5787 ext. 73013
               TTY:  (515) 643-SIGN (7446)
               FAX:  (515) 643-2859
VIDEOPHONE:  pgallant.mercydesmoines.org
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-sw-l at majordomo.valenciacc.edu
[mailto:owner-sw-l at majordomo.valenciacc.edu] On Behalf Of Valerie Sutton
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2006 9:16 AM
To: sw-l at majordomo.valenciacc.edu
Cc: Philippe Gallant
Subject: [sw-l] LESSON Multiple Openings in Different Directions

SignWriting List
February 1st, 2006

Dear SW List:
Yesterday I had a videophone conversation with Philippe Gallant in  
Des Moines, Iowa. We discussed different signs and how to write them.  
One question regards a classifier called CL-List-Throw...I hope I  
have that correct? Anyway, it involves opening and closing the hands  
many times in a row...in a repeated fashion, moving in different  
directions while you are doing it...

So Philippe, here is the Lesson on those kinds of movements...It will  
take two email messages to explain...

LESSON Multiple Openings in Different Directions (continued next  

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