AW: [sw-l] Writing mouthing of words with SSW-Ethiopia

eyasu tamene eyasuh at YAHOO.COM
Mon Feb 27 14:43:49 UTC 2006

Dearest Val, Stefan and all,
  I thank you for your rewarding encouragement regarding a further research on Ethiopian Sign Language.
  I found this topic suitable to my present pilot research Which Stefan and I have been doing. I saw the importance of mouth movement from both the born deaf and hard of hearing p.o.v. I asked whether it has any difference. 
  Based on my observation , mostly the born deaf when they use finger spelling esp. for scientific names, unfamiliar names, etc. they simply sign without any mouth movement.  I asked why and they gave me the reason that their mother tongue is Sign-language. They never heard the sound of the spelling. Similar answer I got from the hard of hearing people.  But when I observe sometimes they show mouth movement.  The reason is obvious that they become deaf most probably after knowing the pronounciation of the spelling. But what both agree is that ''The sign speaks itself.''
  Hoping to read your feedback

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