problem handshape solution

Valerie Sutton signwriting at MAC.COM
Wed Jul 5 16:58:51 UTC 2006

Yes..I was sooo impressed with the tech support that other List  
members gave you! I agree with everything they told you and I will  
place that exact symbol in the takes a few weeks but I am  
praying that I will stick to this schedule..July is scheduled for  
IMWA symbols, and the beautiful Ethiopian work...I am going to create  
a calendar for SW on the web soon...we need that! That way you can  
check for SW events and scheduled projects... ;-)

Val ;-)

On Jul 5, 2006, at 9:47 AM, eghoffma at UMICH.EDU wrote:

> Wow! Great, thanks so much.
> Best,
> Erika
> Quoting Valerie Sutton <signwriting at MAC.COM>:
>> SignWriting List
>> July 5, 2006
>> Hello Erika!
>> Just want you to know I read your messages and will be happy to  
>> add  that symbol to the IMWA...It is my goal to work on adding  
>> symbols  into the IMWA this month...I am still unpacking from the  
>> NAD  Convention today!
>> Glad to see your work is moving forward...
>> Val ;-)
>> ------------------
>> On Jul 5, 2006, at 8:42 AM, eghoffma at UMICH.EDU wrote:
>>> Thank you for the message! I'm assuming it's ASL, but I can't   
>>> decipher all of it because the only sign language I'm fluent in  
>>> is  Nepali Sign Language.
>>> Still, I can read parts of it and I will dictate it to a friend  
>>> who  knows ASL as soon as possible.
>>> Thanks again!
>>> All the best,
>>> Erika
>>> Quoting stefanwoehrmann at GEBAERDENSCHRIFT.DE:
>>>> problem handshape solution
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