SignText - 2 ways to save a sentence

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Fri Mar 3 18:30:41 UTC 2006

SignWriting List
March 3, 2006

> Kasterlinden Bilinguaal wrote:...
> I'm still not sure about how to save a sentence... If I'm using  
> firefox and I hit 'bookmark' I get to choose where to place this  
> sentence. I've tryed to save it, but the problem is I can't seem to  
> find this document again.

To find your bookmarks in Firefox, choose View, Sidebar and Bookmarks  
(see attached). That should place a Sidebar on Firefox, and the  
bookmarks should be listed there for you to click on when you need one.

Bookmarks make it possible to load the sentence to change it and use  
it again online.

But there are several others ways to save the same sentence...For  

1. Email it to yourself! Save the email...ha!
2. Take a screen capture of the sentence, creating a graphics file,  
and saving the graphics file (smile)
3. Click on the SWML button and save the SWML (for programming, or  
for web design, etc.)

and there are other ways to save too...I am working on that section  
of the Manual right now ;-))

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