AW: [sw-l] left, right and both arrows

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Thu Mar 9 18:16:23 UTC 2006

SignWriting List
March 9, 2006

Hello Stefan, Philippe, Charles and Everyone!

Thank you for your excellent feedback! I have read all your messages  
and I am thinking about what you said..Nice to hear from you Stefan,  
too.....I know how busy you are right now...I think the General  
Arrows need to be defined with a little more detail in the future,  
but right now we have to take it one step at a time, so your feedback  
helps a lot in this process....

I will try to write up a tiny possibility to see what you all feel,  
perhaps later this when the time comes, we can discuss it  

Have a splendid day everyone!!

Val ;-)


On Mar 9, 2006, at 9:07 AM, Stefan Wöhrmann wrote:

> .... "So now...what to do? I have to ask others about a new rule  
> stating
> that the General Arrow could mean PARALLEL is not simple  
> because
> thousands of people use SignWriting now and I am trying to keep the  
> system
> used the same all over the world as best as is"
> Hi Valerie ,
> just if you are interested  in my opinion on this issue -
> years ago we discussed something like exceptions in spelling or  
> spelling
> rules violation by intention ...
> I would rather stick to your definition - no contact - no single arrow
> Well - from time to time - I happen to spell a sign differently - just
> writing only one arrow with "general Arrow head" but that is more  
> because
> the symbol just would look very overloaded with all these arrows  
> parallel
> going left and right and left or up and down and up like  
> that  - and
> I guess in these very rare situations it is obvious that both hands
> (although not in contact) move like a unit or just feel like that.
> I hope I can offer an example if this happens again --
> In this given example for depression I would prefer your version  
> with the
> two arrows ;-)
> Stefan ;-)

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