Frost Village...New SignWriting Web Site

Adam Frost icemandeaf at YAHOO.COM
Sun Mar 12 21:11:13 UTC 2006

Yes, it is under construction. :-) I also have a blog which I will use to discuss about ASL Lit. You can take a look at what I have there right now. (It's not much, but it gives you an idea.) You can make comments in English or ASL (SW). For ASL, just use SignPuddle and/or SignText and copy and paste. I just asked Steve if he could make some options to make it so it will be easier to do this.
Oh! Steve, I just thought of some another idea. :-) Can you also make it so that resizing and coloring be done with SignText options as well? :-) You don't have to rush to do all these things, their just ideas. :-)
-----Original Message-----
From: "Valerie Sutton" <sutton at>
Date: 03/12/06 12:13 PM
To: sw-l at
Subject: [sw-l] Frost Village...New SignWriting Web Site

SignWriting List
March 12, 2006

Take a look at Adam's new web site, which is still under  
construction, but looks sooo wonderful already...

Congratulations Adam, on all you are accomplishing...

Adam's Frost Village

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