finger movement

Ingvild Roald iroald at HOTMAIL.COM
Wed May 31 10:44:23 UTC 2006

In my book, which is on the web now, you'll find some examples like the 
salting on the bottom of page 59. The first sign there, 'NOEN-FÅ'., means 'a 
few' turn it upside-down, and you get your salting. The middle sign, 
'PENGER' means money. The last sign, 'SÅ-FRØ' means sowing seeds.

All of these signs have the thumb moving alng the other fingers, like 


>From: Honza <honza at>
>Reply-To: sw-l at
>To: sw-l at
>Subject: [sw-l] finger movement
>Date: Tue, 30 May 2006 21:50:46 +0200
>Hi Val,
>this time I am busy with studying for exams.. terrible period.. so I do not 
>have time to correct written signs for our IT dictionary project...
>Anyway one friend ask me this: How to write down finger movement.. as 
>salting meal (just finger movement - thumb and index finger). I tried to 
>find it also in Stefan's book, but I haven't found it.
>Unfortunetely she don't know a word in english, so I am asking instead of 

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