Today's BBC See Hear! - ESWO piece

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Sun Nov 26 19:28:10 UTC 2006

SignWriting List
November 26, 2006

Bencie Woll from the UK wrote:
> I think the best thing would be for you to write to Terry Riley,  
> who is the
> producer of See Hear, and ask him for a copy of the SW item from  
> the programme for you to put up on the SW website. I'm happy to  
> write, but as it's for the SW
> website it might be better if you wrote. Cheers, Bencie

Hello Bencie!
I didn't realize you were on the SignWriting List...thanks for this  

I remember communicating with Terry Riley in the past, so hopefully  
he will remember me. Glad to know he is still at the BBC!

I will cc you when I send the message...many thanks for the  
suggestion and thanks for providing the space for the workshop at DCAL!

I have some photos to post now, taken during the workshop by look next message...

Val ;-)

> Quoting Valerie Sutton <sutton at>:
>> SignWriting List
>> November 25, 2006
>> Hello Shane, Ingvild and Bencie...
>> Congratulations on the BBC See-Hear program, which presented 3   
>> minutes on SignWriting today...
>> For a news broadcast, three minutes is a long piece... (smile)
>> I visited the web site:
>> See/Hear BBC
>> and I could not find any mention of the SignWriting  
>> piece...Perhaps  they will have the video of it later on the web?  
>> I hope so.
>> If not, I wonder if we can write to the BBC to ask permission to  
>> view  it, and possibly share it with others? Can you find this out  
>> for us?  We could write to the BBC to ask permission to link to  
>> the video....  I would like to place a link on these web pages  
>> from our site if  possible:
>> SignWriting in Europe
>> and
>> SignWriting in UK
>> Maybe Angela would allow us to view it? SignWriting users in  
>> other  countries will be interested in seeing the footage I am   
>> sure...including the footage they cut...all of it is valuable to   
>> those who use and teach SignWriting...
>> Congratulations once again!
>> Val ;-)
>> Valerie Sutton
>> Sutton at
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>> 6. DanceWriting
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>> 9. Non-profit Organization
>> Center for Sutton Movement Writing
>> SignWriting Literacy Project
>> The DAC, Deaf Action Committee
>> Center For Sutton Movement Writing
>> an educational nonprofit organization
>> P.O. Box 517, La Jolla, CA, 92038, USA
>> tel 858-456-0098   fax 858-456-0020
>> D-Link Videophone:
>> Skype Name: valeriesutton
> -- 
> Professor Bencie Woll, BA, MA, PhD
> Chair of Sign Language and Deaf Studies & Director, DCAL Centre
> University College London
> 49 Gordon Square
> London WC1H 0PD
> Tel: 020 7679 8670
> Fax: 020 7679 8691
> b.woll at

Val ;-)

Valerie Sutton
Sutton at

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6. DanceWriting
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7. MovementWriting
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9. Non-profit Organization
Center for Sutton Movement Writing

SignWriting Literacy Project
The DAC, Deaf Action Committee
Center For Sutton Movement Writing
an educational nonprofit organization
P.O. Box 517, La Jolla, CA, 92038, USA
tel 858-456-0098   fax 858-456-0020
D-Link Videophone:
Skype Name: valeriesutton

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